Introducing: The Eliza Suite - Letterpress Wedding Invitations on Handmade Paper

Introducing: The Eliza Suite - Letterpress Wedding Invitations on Handmade Paper

When we began sourcing handmade cotton paper from a fellow woman-owned business, I was inspired to create a new design that would print gorgeously with it. I came up with several ideas but nothing that I was completely passionate about.

That was until I devoured a historical fiction mystery novel set in 18th-century London about (another) female small business owner. No spoilers, but one of her friends gets married and it happens to be the only “healthy” marriage in the book. They had such a sweet inspiring relationship that when I finished reading, everything just clicked for this design!

Introducing: The Eliza Suite

Playing with shades of Sage, neutrals, textures with handmade deckled edge paper, linen ribbons and hand dripped wax seals was an absolute dream for me.



To see the final letterpress impression with the year “seventeen hundred and ninety-two” felt like time traveling to an old printshop or book bindery ….absolutely magical. ✨

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